Our Programs


Partner Program

Through this program, a skilled dog/trainer team pairs up and works with a wounded warrior assigned to him or her by the Wounded Warrior Battalion – West over a period of about nine months. Working closely with the warrior’s medical care providers, the close-knit team allows Freedom Dogs to follow participants throughout their transition from military to civilian life, customizing the dog training to the specific needs of the warrior.

Regardless of the nature of the wounds, our goal is to enhance the rehabilitation of warriors whose path to recovery can be rocky and takes time. The dog/trainer team provides an unparalleled approach to the healing process, offering steady support and demonstrating ways to navigate the challenges of daily life.

The training program involves several phases. It begins with a meeting between the warrior, dog, and trainer. This progresses to weekly classroom sessions, during which the wounded warrior participates in the training of the dogs. This involvement can create an enhanced sense of purpose for the warrior and forms a bond and trust with trainers and dogs, helping reduce anxiety and depression.

As trust develops over time, the warrior gradually ventures out into public with both the dog and trainer to the grocery store, doctor appointments, or sporting events, for example. This is where a Freedom Dog really earns its title—helping the warrior experience freedom by feeling calmer, safer, more sociable, less hypervigilant, and less reactive to triggers such as loud noises.

With independence the focus of the final stage, warriors attend school or events alone with the dog, returning the dog to the trainer at the end of the day. Although the formal program eventually ends, the warrior can continue to request a Freedom Dog for specific outings, as needed.


Partner for Life Program

In some cases, a warrior will need more long-term support than our Partner Program can provide. This may become apparent after working with a warrior for a period of time. Then, a dog may be placed with this person for the rest of the dog’s life.